What a Difference a Year Makes

What a Difference a Year Makes

What a difference a year makes. I came across this April 2019 professional headshot and forgot how much different I look today. I’ve lost weight before, but I always ended up gaining it back.

In April 2019 I was the heaviest I had ever been, and while other areas of my life were going well, I knew I had to start a health journey and find a way to lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Losing weight when you’re 38 is different than losing weight when you’re 28. Your body is different, your hormones are different, you have kid(s) to worry about, you have competing commitments with family/work, and workouts can easily be skipped. That cookie will always look too delicious to not eat. I know it’s even harder when you’re in your 40s, 50s, and 60s as your hormones change even more.

But I was done with the excuses and I was hell bent on reaching my goal of long-term health.

I knew how to accomplish personal goals as a life coach, but I knew I needed more support in formulating a plan to lose weight in a way that was sustainable so I could keep it off for life. I was done with dieting and quick fixes that didn’t produce lasting results. I was in it for the long haul.

I tried techniques that had worked for me in the past (long sessions of cardio and calorie counting), but I wasn’t getting good results. I was frustrated beyond belief. I knew I needed help to figure out why this strategy wasn’t working anymore. I found a coach that formulated a plan to help me understand how to lose the weight slowly over time.

So I had a plan, but then I had to implement the plan, day in and day out, despite vacations, birthday parties, and rainy/cold days when I didn’t feel like doing my outdoor walks.

That’s where my habits served me very, very well. I made changes to my life by forming healthy habits. I trained my brain to make the automatic healthy decision even when the current environment offered the perfect excuse to not do the healthy thing that day.

And I did it! I lost 39lbs. in 18 months and I feel so proud of myself. The weight is staying off because my habits have fundamentally changed, my mindset is strong, and I know I’m a different person as a result of all these habit changes and training my brain to think and act like a healthy and fit person.

You can do it, too!! You can do hard things through habit changes. You can re-train your brain through mindset techniques to help you reach your goals. If you need support accomplishing your goals send me an email at liz@lizbapasola.com or go here. I’d love to help!

Liz Bapasola, Ed.D. is a Life Coach for Liz Bapasola & Associates, LLC. She writes often about the power of habits, mindset, and strategies for reaching your goals. She can be reached at liz@lizbapasola.com.

Before After Photo.JPG

April 2019 compared to October 2020