daily habits

What a Difference a Year Makes

What a difference a year makes. I came across this April 2019 professional headshot and forgot how much different I look today. I’ve lost weight before, but I always ended up gaining it back.

In April 2019 I was the heaviest I had ever been, and while other areas of my life were going well, I knew I had to start a health journey and find a way to lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Why Tiny Habits Make All the Difference

In my last article I shared with you how to take an inventory on your habits and identify which ones were hurting you and which ones were helping you reach your goals. Self-awareness of our automatic behavior is the first step for getting back on the path to success, but the next step is just as important. You must now intentionally create new habits that will further your progress and help you reach your goals. Don’t worry about breaking the bad habits yet, just first work on creating new ones.